Killing Rodents In Your Home

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eliminating the pests in your home

Ants, spiders, fleas, mice and silverfish were all problems in my house at one point. When we bought the house, it hadn't been lived in for about three years. Since it was basically abandoned, the pests moved in and made it their homes. The first few months of battling with these pests was the hardest. We had so many different pests to contend with that it was hard to know where to start. With the help of a professional pest control technician, we have taken our home back from those pests and have been living pest free ever since. Find tips on eliminating the pests in your home here on my blog.


Killing Rodents In Your Home

24 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Finding fecal pellets in your home is usually going to point to problems with rodents. Rats and mice are some of the worst pests to have invaded our homes because of the damage that they can cause. Rats usually have fleas, and those fleas can carry what is known to have caused the plague. Mice are carriers for Hantavirus, which can be deadly to humans. If you find that you have fecal pellets in your home, then it is very important that you get rid of the rats and mice as soon as possible. Here are just a few different ways to kill the rodents that enter your home:


Administering poison can be a very good method to kill rats and mice. You will find poisons at almost any store. One of the most effective poisons is granulated poisons. The most effective way to administer the poison is to place to poison in a place of high traffic. You can find where the rodents have been traveling looking for grease stains on the baseboards, and by spotting fecal pellets. The acid in the stomach of the rodent reacts with the phosphide poison to cause the toxic phosphine gas. The death of the rodent will usually come within a few days of the ingestion. Since the poison kills them a few days later, it is common for the mice or rat to crawl back into the wall and die. You may be trying to fish a dead rodent out of your wall. 


The trap that this article focuses on is the mechanical trap. Trapping rodents are preferred by many homeowners because death is instant, and there will be no need to try to find a dead rodent in the wall. In any case, you are going to want to set the trap with bait that the rodents have been eating in the home. If there was bread that the rodents were into, use the bread as a bait. Rodents will generally travel along the wall for as long as possible. So, set the trap perpendicular to the direction of travel with the spring side toward the wall. This way when the rodent wants the food, it is forced to crawl over the trap. Many homeowners will set the trap with no specific orientation, and this allows the rodent to eat the bait without tripping the trap. Mice are generally very curious and will generally check things out. Rats are much more likely to be cautious and try and avoid traps.    

Contact a rodent pest control service for more information and assistance.