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eliminating the pests in your home

Ants, spiders, fleas, mice and silverfish were all problems in my house at one point. When we bought the house, it hadn't been lived in for about three years. Since it was basically abandoned, the pests moved in and made it their homes. The first few months of battling with these pests was the hardest. We had so many different pests to contend with that it was hard to know where to start. With the help of a professional pest control technician, we have taken our home back from those pests and have been living pest free ever since. Find tips on eliminating the pests in your home here on my blog.


Chipmunks Running Rampant And Causing You Problems? What You Can Do About Them

7 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Chipmunks may be cute, but these small pests can cause a lot of damage when they are trying to look for food or water. These rodents use their teeth and their claws to make their way into where they want to be—which could be your home, garage, or other areas surrounding your home, creating damage that can not only be expensive to repair, but it can create a way in for other pests to come in and cause damage of their own. Read More …

Why Are Raccoons Coming Into Your Yard And What Can You Do About Them?

24 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Raccoons can be a major nuisance pest, especially if there are more than one and they are continuously coming back to your yard. When they invade your home, they can especially be a nuisance. These pests can be harmful to humans if you get too close to them. They can bite or scratch you, and they can carry rabies. They can feel threatened if they have babies close by. These pests may be in your yard for a reason; one may be because they have babies nearby, or they could be there because they're finding food there. Read More …

Tips For Preventing Pests In Your Outdoor Wood Pile

20 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you have a wood-burning fireplace in your home or simply love going camping every weekend and want to store some firewood on your property, there are several reasons why you might have a backyard woodpile. Unfortunately, in addition to becoming wet or severely damaged, your firewood is susceptible to a variety of pests, including insects and rodents. Firewood provides a food source for some pests and the ideal place for other pests to find shelter or create a nest. Read More …

Reducing The Spider Population On Your Property

6 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have noticed an abundance of spiders living outside of your home, you may wonder if there are steps you can take to help in reducing their numbers. While spiders are beneficial in keeping smaller insects from overrunning an area, they can too become worrisome if there are more than you would like to have present. Here are some tips that will aid in keeping spiders from taking control of your land. Read More …

Ridding Your Home Of Houseflies

29 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently discovered several houseflies are making their way inside of your home, you likely are looking for a way to eradicate their presence completely. Houseflies, like other flies, are known to transfer bacteria from surface to surface. Because of this, it is important to take fast action to remove them from the interior of your home as quickly as possible. Clean The Inside Of Your Home Completely Read More …